Saturday, January 31, 2009

today's game

Since we haven't heard back from many of you about your plans for today, we are operating under the assumption that everyone has rides arranged.

Unless we heard from you, we are NOT counting on you getting a ride to/from St. Louis. If you do need a ride, please call Coach Hall this morning, ASAP

Dawn Hall

Friday, January 30, 2009

Rides for Saturday

Hi everyone,
On Saturday, our family is planning to leave from the OAT Theater (across from the high school and First Baptist Church) at 1:15 pm. We will have 7 extra seats - please let us know if you will be wanting/needing a ride at this time. JH Boys who aren't riding with us, you need to leave Rolla no later than 1:15 pm, and plan to arrive at the game by 3:00 pm - game time is 3:30 pm.
Girls' Gold Team - you need to leave Rolla by about 2:30 pm, in order to make it to St. Louis by 4:15 pm - game time is 4:45 pm. If you are interested getting a ride with us at 1:15 pm, please let us know. Priority will go to the JH boys, but we may have some extra seats.
We will probably have a second car going -  I (Becky) will be driving and leaving from OAT Theater at about 3:00 pm. I will have up to 5 extra seats. I'm going to try to make it to St. Louis about 4:45, so I can watch both the Girls' game and the Varsity Boys' game. Anyone who would like a ride at this point is welcome to come with me - let us know.
Varsity Boys - you would need to leave Rolla by 4:00 pm or so, in order to arrive in St. Louis about 5:45 pm, half-an-hour before your game at 6:15 pm.
Here is the link with directions once again. 

Thursday, January 29, 2009

RE: Basketball games Sat. Jan 31

Everyone –

It looks like Emily Cates will need a ride to this game.  Our son Nathan is in the State Honors Choir and will be giving a performance that day at the Lake of the Ozarks.  We have to leave town around noon.  Is there anyone who might be able to take Emily sometime around noon and give her a ride up and back to St. Louis?

Thanks for your consideration,

Caryl Cates


From: RHAA Sports []
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 01:46 AM
To: Aaron Callahan; Amy Quakkelaar; Ange Parrett; Dan & Dawn Hall; Danny Hall; Elise Hamacher; Galen Johnson; Gary Applegate; Jacob Hamacher; Jeanine Maxwell; JH Basketball News; Lisa Applegate; Lucy & Lee Robertson Home; Lucy Robertson work; Michele Sbabo; Nathan Hickle; Paul Hamacher; Steve Quakkelaar; Zeke Hall; Abby Hall; Alison Bruno; Ange Hamilton; Becky Hall; Bret Adams; Camie Edwards; Caryl Cates; David and Patricia Riggins; Erin Hamilton; Flora Caudill; Girls Basketball News; Jenny Williams; Kathy & Lee Collins; Kelsey Quittschrieber; Martha Collins; Michael & Joy Rodgers; Pam & Walter Williams; Rebekah Applegate; Renee Caudill; Sarah Hazell; Scott Hamilton; Stacy Quittschreiber; Walt Williams; Bill Hickle; Brandon Beaty; Bret & Stacy Welshymer; Bret Welshymer; Debbie & Rick Brown; Jan Farthing; Landon Durick; Mark Hickle; Nathan Brown; Rod Farthing; Ron & Beth Light; Ryan Farthing; Stacy Welshymer; Varsity Boys Basketball News
Subject: Fwd: Basketball games Sat. Jan 31



Just to confirm:
JH boys at 3:30
V girls at 4:45 or so
V boys at 6:15 or so

Imagine Academy of Environmental Science and Math
1008 S Spring Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110,+St+Louis,+MO,+63110&sll=38.62618,-90.240301&sspn=0.007049,0.008487&g=1008+S+Spring+Ave,+St+Louis,+MO&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=17


practice today at Redeemer

We will have our practice today at Redeemer, since we cannot practice at Wyman due to school closure. Coach Hall checked, and the parking lot has been plowed. Please let us/him know if you will NOT be coming because of road conditions.

Dawn Hall

schools closed -- no practice

Rolla schools are closed again today, which means we don't have access to practice facilities. We'll be in touch if we are able to arrange something else.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fwd: Basketball games Sat. Jan 31

Just to confirm:
JH boys at 3:30
V girls at 4:45 or so
V boys at 6:15 or so

Imagine Academy of Environmental Science and Math
1008 S Spring Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110,+St+Louis,+MO,+63110&sll=38.62618,-90.240301&sspn=0.007049,0.008487&g=1008+S+Spring+Ave,+St+Louis,+MO&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=17

Basketball games Sat. Jan 31

I just received this email of confirmation from the St. Louis Knights and Patriettes. Note the location is different than where we have played in the past. I just googled it from  the Kroger parking lot in Rolla, and it shows a driving time of 1 hr 40 minutes.

As long as the schools are in session tomorrow, Junior High boys will practice tomorrow from 4 - 5:30 pm at Wyman; Varsity boys from 7-9 pm at the High School. Girls practice Friday night from 7 - 9 at the Middle School.


Just to confirm:
JH boys at 3:30
V girls at 4:45 or so
V boys at 6:15 or so

Imagine Academy of Environmental Science and Math
1008 S Spring Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110,+St+Louis,+MO,+63110&sll=38.62618,-90.240301&sspn=0.007049,0.008487&g=1008+S+Spring+Ave,+St+Louis,+MO&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=17

See you Saturday
Rich Grant

Monday, January 26, 2009

Practice is on

I see no reason at this point not to do practice. So far no precipitation at our house in Rolla, 2 miles south of town. Hope to see most of you there!
Coach Hall

tonight's game cancelled

Hi everyone -

The decision on this one just got taken out of my hands -- I just received a phone call from Calvin Morrow in Lebanon, and he felt the wisest course of action at this point was to cancel tonight's games. Even though the precipitation has not started yet, they are 100% certain it is going to by 3 or 4, and they are expecting heavy ice in Lebanon. His concern is that even if we got there, by the time we finished our games, we may not be able to get home safely.

So, it looks like we don't play Lebanon, again! Enjoy the evening off.

Junior High Boys -- since we don't have a game, Coach Hall would like to have your regular practice at Wyman from 4 - 5:30 pm. We will send an email out at 3:30pm confirming that (in case we find out the school is closed, or the weather is really bad at that point). Those of you coming from St. James or out in the country, please feel free to call us at home 573-364-4858 to double-check that we are on.

Everyone take care!
Dawn Hall

Sunday, January 25, 2009

tomorrow's weather forecast and game

We are aware of the weather forecast for tomorrow, and will make a decision as early as we can about whether or not to travel to Lebanon.  As of now, the forecast says that Lebanon will to start getting sleet/snow early in the morning; however, we will probably wait until afternoon to make a final decision, to see how bad it is and in the event the system passes more quickly than they are predicting.  The Junior High boys are scheduled to leave Rolla at 4 pm, so we will make a final decision by 3 pm at the latest.

Please feel free to give us any input, especially about road conditions that you encounter during the day. The trip to Lebanon is primarily on the interstate, but we also understand that of you have to contend with other roads to get to the interstate, so we want to take that into consideration as well.

Also, let us know if you are going to be unable to check your email tomorrow afternoon, so that we can be sure to call you if we cancel.

Dawn Hall

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Monday Games

Information for our Monday game against Lebanon:
We are leaving from the Kroger parking lot at 4 pm. Our van has only 4 available seats, so other families will definitely need to drive. As usual, please let us know ASAP if you will be 1. needing a ride, 2. driving and have  x  number of seats, or 3. driving on your own aside from the car-pooling.
The game is at 5:30 pm, and is at the Cowan Civic Center in Lebanon. Directions on the website.

Friday, January 23, 2009

please reply

Please let me know if you got the messages about tonight, so I can make calls to those who didn't!


oh yeah, bring your uniforms tonight and to practice in general -- it is helpful to have them for scrimmaging!

game tonight cancelled/ practice instead

We just got a call from Mountain Grove -- a bout of sickness has hit their school and they are down to 5 players, with one of those not feeling well. They felt it best NOT to make the drive, especially if they ended up sharing with us!
However, since we have the gym reserved and plans to come, we will still be meeting for practice and a scrimmage. Plan to arrive at 6 pm, and we'll be done at 7:30pm so the varsity guys can scrimmage, too.
Feel free to call if you have any questions!
Dawn Hall

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 31st game schedule time changes

We have a confirmed game schedule for next Saturday, January 31st. They could not find a facility for the middle of the day, so the games will be later in the day than previously scheduled (remember, when I gave those times, I cautioned that they were not confirmed). I know this is actually better for those involved with Pirates of Penzance, because it should eliminate conflicts with rehearsals.. So here is the final schedule:

3:30 pm Junior High Boys vs. St. Louis Blue Knights
4:45 pm Girls Gold team vs, Patriettes Varsity B
6:00 pm Varsity Boys vs. St. Louis Blue Knights

The games will be held at a different facility than we have played at previously. They will be sending me a link with directions, and I will pass that on to you when I have it.

Dawn Hall

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday Game location change

Friday night's game will be at Wyman Elementary, not at the Junior High.

Game time, 6:30 pm, plan to arrive at 6:00 pm