Sunday, November 29, 2009

Practice tomorrow

Reminder --

Practice tomorrow, Monday, November 30th, is at the High School practice gym from 7 - 9 pm. The entrance to the practice gym is to the left of the main glass door entrance to the high school, off the circle drive. Please feel free to call if you need help finding it!
Dan's cell is 201-1020, our home phone is 364-4858.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Monday, November 23, 2009

uniforms that don't fit

If you have a uniform piece that does not work for you, you may bring it to practice tonight. I will be there at 7 pm and can collect those pieces and possibly re-issue some. Most of you will have to wait while we order some new pieces.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

more about uniforms

A final  reminder to have your players try on their uniforms before they come to practice tomorrow night. (And parents, you have the final say as to the fit.) Please email me if you need a different size, but keep what you have until I ask you to bring it to exchange.

Yes, we are trying to use the uniforms we already have, but it is also important that they fit somewhat reasonably, so please don't be shy about telling me a bigger or smaller size would fit better. We are going to have to order a few pairs of shorts, so we might as well be sure everyone has the size they need. It is more costly to get new jerseys (because of the printing of logo and numbers), so we'll probably try to make due with those, but if we need to, we can buy some new ones.

If you did not get a uniform yet: 
I will NOT be at practice tomorrow night, but I will send a box of bags with Mr. Hall. Each bag holds a uniform for players who did not get a uniform Monday. Please take these home and try them on, then email me if you need a different size of anything, since I guessed at sizes and/or gave you what was left. Again, keep them until I ask you to bring them to exchange (if you need a different size).

New Players:
Each of you gets a white Royals t-shirt to use as a warm up shirt as part of your registration.
Please email me the following information:
1) T-shirt size (I suggest you go a size higher than what you usually wear, so it will be loose over your game jersey)
2)  Name to put on the back -- your first or last name -- siblings can choose to have an initial, too (like C. Cates for Christopher, since his sister Emily also plays)

Returning players may buy a new warm-shirt for $10 if they want a new one... please provide the same information requested above.

I've attached a t-shirt order form in case anyone wants to order additional shirts for family members. They come in navy, gold, and white. I am hoping to order some smaller sizes than are listed on the form, so feel free to add sizes you'd like to buy, and we'll see if we can get them. I need t-shirt orders by next Monday at the latest. (you may pay when they arrive)

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Uniforms/parent meeting

Thank you for your patience last night as we distributed uniforms. It is very important that everyone try on the uniform they took home to make sure it fits. We are going to try to use the uniforms we currently have, but we will order some additional sizes if we need to. We are particularly concerned about the shorts fitting properly -- we don't want kids worrying about losing their shorts!

If you were not able to get your uniform last night, it is very important that you pick it up Thursday. I will just be assigning uniforms by my best guess of size, so you will need to let me know if something doesn't work. If for some reason, you are unable to attend practice on Thursday, please contact me to make arrangements to get your uniform.

Thank you to all who came to the parent meeting. We covered a lot in a short period of time, so please feel free to ask if you have any questions. I will include the agenda and calendar in the bag with your players uniform for those who weren't able to attend the meeting, so be sure to ask them for it Thursday.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Thursday, November 12, 2009

parent meeting

We will be having parent meetings Monday, November 16th, in the junior high cafeteria (go past the gym and turn left at the end of the hallway)

Here is the schedule for the entire evening:

6 pm -- girls practice starts
6:30- 7 pm -- boys uniform distribution/measurement/ordering (please arrive by at least 6:45 to get this done)
7:00 -- boys practice starts in practice gym with Mr. Hickle
7:00 -- boys parent meeting
7:30 -- girls parent meeting (girls will be in practice gym while Coach Adams joins the meeting)
8:00 -- girls uniform distribution/measurement/ordering after practice ends...
9:00 -- boys practice ends

It is important that you attend the appropriate team meeting, since we will be covering each group's schedule and dynamics specifically. If you absolutely cannot make the meeting, please let us know so we can be sure you get the appropriate information. We are still finalizing calendar, waiting to hear back from some people, so we won't hand out any calendars until that night. The calendars are online at if you want to see where we stand right now.

Please feel free to ask if this is unclear or you have any questions in advance.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Basketball practice tomorrow/parent meeting

Just a reminder that there will no longer be separate 14U (junior high) and 18U (varsity) practices. All the boys will be practicing together. Tomorrow night, Nov 9th, and Thursday night, Nov 12th, this will be from 7-9 pm at Rolla Junior High. Please email coach Hall at  if you can't make practice.

Our parent meeting will be NEXT week. If you have a strong preference of Monday or Thursday, please let me know right away, since I need to reserve the Jr. High cafeteria -- we'll do it at 7pm so you can stay when you bring boys for practice. It should take about 1/2 hour.
Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Practice today will be at Redeemer Lutheran Church, from 4 - 6 pm. If you need directions, feel free to call Dan (201-1020 or 364-4858). He'll be leaving home at 3:30 pm.

Starting next week, we will be merging the two boys groups and practicing them together. Practices will remain on Monday and Thursday, but the time and location will now be 7 - 9 pm at the Rolla Junior High school, at least through Thanksgiving week.

We will be handing out a schedule at a parent meeting next week with everything on it, to the best of our knowledge! In the meantime, you can look at the calendars online -- please look at the Varsity boys calendar, since I will be deleting the JH boys calendar once I get it all consolidated (hopefully by tomorrow). Please bear with us while we make these changes

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Monday, November 2, 2009

website calendar

Thanks, Amy Q, for bringing it to our attention that the 14U boys calendar on the website was not visible. I just checked it, and it wasn't shared publicly , so I corrected that, and now you all should be able to view it.

Also want to let you know that the situation with the 18U boys team has changed, and that it MAY have an impact on this team. We are looking at several options, but the one that will most likely work out is to have Dan Hall coach both teams. That would mean he would need to practice all the boys together in the evenings, usually on Monday and Thursday from 7-9 pm (because with that large and diverse of a group, he would need a bigger facility and multiple baskets). It will not affect the game schedule in any way. We understand that is not what you were expecting/planning on, and NO DECISIONS have been made yet. Please let us know if an evening practice time will be difficult for your family, and keep us in prayer as we sort this all out!

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Basketball practice begin tomorrow

Boys 14U basketball practices begin tomorrow at Mark Twain Elementary School from 4 - 5:30 pm. Boys should bring a basketball (if you own one) and the practice jerseys they were issued at open gym (if they didn't get one, they'll get one at practice).

The school is on Salem Avenue in Rolla.  We will practice in the new gym, which is around the back. Please let me know if you need directions to get there.

Players not able to make practice (or games) for any reason, please notify Coach Hall -- his email is CC'd so that you can easily find it. His home phone is 573-364-4858, and his cell phone is 573-201-1020.

Forms and fees are due. The registration form
is especially important for us to have before you start participating in practice. If you need to pay your fee in installments, that is fine - just let us know. I will not be there at the beginning of practice, so please give the paperwork to Coach Hall.

We will be having a parent meeting soon --keep your eyes open for an announcement on that. You may look at the schedule on the website, but it is subject to change -- we are still working on confirming things. But it will give you a general idea of what is coming up.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary