Tuesday, December 29, 2009

boys basketball practice

Hi everyone -
The Halls are back in town after spending Christmas in Georgia. We had a great time with family and hope you all did have/are having a wonderful break as well.

Practice today, Tuesday, Dec 29th. It is from 4 - 6 pm at Redeemer Lutheran. We know many of you are out of town,
but if you are able to come, that would be great.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Monday, December 21, 2009

practice tonight

Boys practice is scheduled tonight from 8:30 - 10 pm at Redeemer Lutheran. Please keep your eyes open for any changes

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Friday, December 18, 2009

boys are practicing tonight

Just in case there was any confusion, the boys practice is still on for tonight. We know many of you can't come, and that's fine.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Merry Christmas 2009 from Rod & Jan Farthing & Family!

Greetings to all our friends in the RHAA! 
(If this is the second one of these you've received, please forgive; our lists may overlap.)

  Merry Christmas! 

3127 Highway K, Salem, MO 65560 (Same house, new address!)

Christmas 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

Here we are at the end of another year. We have been blessed in so many ways, and we praise God for His goodness. Now that Rodney is 60 (yep, he is) we're truly in the "seniors" bracket. We are down to having an "only child" at home. So where did the year go? Here are a few highlights:

Rodney spoke 75 times for ARM Prison Outreach www.arm.org, driving to 53 different locations in 7 states, including 2 camps and 4 conventions. The kids and Jan traveled less this year, though they were along for the camps and conventions and a few extra locations. When Joy and Ryan left for college, Jan and Julia went along with Rodney about once a month. Rodney teaches Bible Study at church on Wed. nights. He continues as senior hospice chaplain for Phelps Regional Hospice based in Rolla. He serves as district 8 coordinator for the Constitution Party of MO. rodfar@arm.org

Jan continues as wife & mom, teacher (only 1 student now), ARM appointment secretary, Dent Co. home school coordinator, 4-H project leader, mentor for ex-prisoners/families, children's teacher at church, and substitute manager for the clothes closet at church (when Joy's not home.) jan@arm.org

Randa (36) and Muncher and Nebraska welcomed Kinlee Carene on Feb. 9. She is SO like her mom. Some pics bring flashbacks of days gone by. She is growing well and may soon pass her big sis. Nebraska is now 3 and ahead of the curve on her academics. She still deals with weak lower body strength so is not yet walking alone, but is doing well holding on. Randa continues her Down Syndrome blogging community. www.justrk.blogspot.com She loves - and is quite good at - creating backgrounds for people's blog sites, not to mention the encouragement she can offer to new moms of children with Down Syndrome. Muncher is still with the IT dept. of St. Charles County. braskasmom@gmail.com

Jody -- Dr. Joel Farthing, DVM (33) -- is in his own clinic with his partner Nick Lindsay. O'Fallon Veterinary Medical Clinic is in full swing. Stop by and see him if you're in the STL area.  http://www.ofallonvmc.com/about_us/vets/  Skye continues as an auditor with St. Charles County. DocJoel@gmail.com

Rachel (29) married Patrick Donlan in May. Rachel is still in administration with St. Luke's Hospital. Patrick represents The Hartford investment company in the Mutual Fund division. They live in St. Charles while they are saving and house hunting. stlrachel@aol.com

Joy (20) is at St. Louis Christian College and enjoys being there. She is taking the general classes for freshmen. She will be home Dec. 19 for semester break. She works in the school cafeteria. She also continues to care for the church clothes closet and volunteers at the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center in Salem when she is home. godzlilgirl89@yahoo.com

Ryan (18) is at Oklahoma Christian University in OKC and loves it, achieving a 4.0 GPA. He works maintaining computers in the school library and helps with their web site. He is working towards a ministry major and a computer minor. He also enjoys creating videos. His most recent IS at

Julia (14) is now finding out what it's like to be an only child. She is doing 8th and 9th grade work this year, desiring to graduate in 2013. She is playing girls' basketball with the Rolla Royals. She continues to be in 4-H and does art, horse, and photography. She won a lot of ribbons at the Dent County Fair in August, including 4-H Best of Show for a horse painting.

Our prayer is for each of you to have a wonderful family time celebrating Our Savior and days of God's blessings in the New Year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Love from all of us to all of you!

The Farthings

Friday practice cancelled

Ladies and Gentlemen, Due to the plethora of sicknesses and unavailability of others we are cancelling tonights practice, please get well ladies, and we will see you on Monday, God Bless you all, Brett

--- On Thu, 12/17/09, RHAA Sports <rollaroyals@gmail.com> wrote:

From: RHAA Sports <rollaroyals@gmail.com>
Subject: practices tomorrow
To: "Alison Bruno" <cabruno@embarqmail.com>, "Alison Bruno" <rollamommy4@yahoo.com>, "Brett Adams" <keetsrus@yahoo.com>, "Caryl Cates" <cjcates@fidmail.com>, "Cindi Laire" <tazbrat3@yahoo.com>, "Danny Hall" <dth77@juno.com>, "David and Patricia Riggins" <iris@fidnet.com>, "Girls Basketball News" <royalsweb.bbgnews@blogger.com>, "Jan Farthing" <jan@arm.org>, "Jeanine Maxwell" <jeanamax@gmail.com>, "Jenny Williams" <golden_girl@embarqmail.com>, "Kathy & Lee Collins" <tribe12@fidnet.com>, "Kelsey Quittschrieber" <kelseyjq@gmail.com>, "Martha Collins" <sporty-marty@hotmail.com>, "Pam & Walter Williams" <walterandpam@embarqmail.com>, "Rod Farthing" <farthing.r@gmail.com>, "Stacy Quittschreiber" <jandsq@gmail.com>, "Terris Cates" <terris@integrityeng.com>, "Walt Williams" <wwbigcountry@yahoo.com>, "Amy Quakkelaar" <moquak@gmail.com>, "Ange Parrett" <aparrett@centurytel.net>, "Bill Hickle" <hickle@rollanet.org>, "Chris McCluskey" <chris@christian-living.com>, "Dan & Dawn Hall" <halls8@embarqmail.com>, "Gary Applegate" <applegateg@missouri.edu>, "Jacob Hamacher" <iamthelordsservant@gmail.com>, "JH Basketball News" <royalsweb.bbjnews@blogger.com>, "Karvel Kofoed" <kofoed@mindspring.com>, "Lisa Applegate" <lisaapplegate@yahoo.com>, "Lucy & Lee Robertson Home" <leenlucy@fidnet.com>, "Lucy Robertson work" <lucy.robertson@mfwbooks.com>, "Michele Sbabo" <msbabo@centurytel.net>, "Nathan Hickle" <nathanhickle@gmail.com>, "Paul Hamacher" <ceo@spirestocks.com>, "Rachel McCluskey" <rachel@christian-living.com>, "Renee Cook" <mamoruti@gmail.com>, "Robert & Susan Hohman" <sushoh@windstream.net>, "Ron & Beth Light" <rlbl@fidnet.com>, "Scott & Judy Cureton" <sbcureton@embarqmail.com>, "Sonja K Kofoed" <kofoedkids@juno.com>, "Steve Quakkelaar" <Steve@quakkelaar.com>, "Terry Callahan" <puzzler@accubak.net>, "Varsity Boys Basketball News" <royalsweb.bbnews@blogger.com>, "Zeke Hall" <motormouth96@embarqmail.com>
Date: Thursday, December 17, 2009, 11:02 AM

Thursday, Dec 17th --
  • NO boys or girls basketball tonight

Friday, Dec 18th
  • Practices at Redeemer
  • Girls 6 - 7:30 pm
  • Boys 7:30 - 9 pm

At least that is the plan currently. I know there are a lot of boys sick, and some going out of town...PLEASE let your coaches know if you are unavailable for practice Friday night, and check your email before heading to practice for any last minute cancellations.


Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Thursday, December 17, 2009

practices tomorrow

Thursday, Dec 17th --
  • NO boys or girls basketball tonight

Friday, Dec 18th
  • Practices at Redeemer
  • Girls 6 - 7:30 pm
  • Boys 7:30 - 9 pm

At least that is the plan currently. I know there are a lot of boys sick, and some going out of town...PLEASE let your coaches know if you are unavailable for practice Friday night, and check your email before heading to practice for any last minute cancellations.


Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Mr. Hall thought he put his watch in his bag, but couldn't find it today. Any chance any of you picked it up last night?

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Monday, December 14, 2009

practices tonight

Hope everyone survived the busy, wet weekend....thanks so much to all who pitched in to help on Saturday. It was a successful day, and we look forward to doing it again in January with girls' teams.

This week practices:
Tonight (Monday)
  • Boys and girls  at the junior high gym as usual -- girls 6- 8 and boys 7-9.
Tuesday - junior high
  • Boys only, 7 - 9 pm, junior high
Friday at Redeemer Lutheran
  • Girls' practice 6 - 7:30 and boys from 7:30 - 9 pm. 

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Friday, December 11, 2009

tonights games

It has come to my attention that I confused many of you with the latest schedule I sent out.  Sorry!

YES, there are two boys games tonight

This is the schedule
  • 6:00 14U Boys
  • 7:15 -- Girls
  • 8:30 Varsity Boys

Those last two games were not listed on the last schedule (the attachment) I sent out.

I'm so sorry for any confusion this caused for any of you. We need the varsity group there for that game!

Also, my apologies for messing up on the practice last night. I thought I had reserved Redeemer, but obviously I had not. I promise it will be my last mess-up for this year, but no guarantees on 2010! :)

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Thursday, December 10, 2009

practice tonight REMINDER

Today's (Thursday, Dec 10th) is at a different time and place --  4 - 6 pm at Redeemer Lutheran.

I'm still getting responses back about having earlier practices through the holidays... I already sent out the revised schedule, and we weren't able to move any of those except Dec. 29th to the earlier time slot due to facility availability. I know they are late practices-- but it is over Christmas vacation, otherwise we wouldn't do it.
Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Boys Christmas break practices -- some time adjustments

Adjusted Christmas Break Boys Basketball practices -- all at Redeemer.

Friday, Dec 18th -- 7:30 - 9:30 pm (younger boys may finish earlier)
Monday, Dec 21st -- 8:30 - 10 pm (gym is not available earlier)
Tuesday, Dec 29th -- 4 - 6 pm

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Tournament schedule

Attached is the current tournament/game schedule for Saturday.

Note that we no longer have a 9:45 am game, which is what I said in the Sunday night email...

Here is the current plan:
11 am -- Varsity (18U) Boys vs. Springfield Knights
1:30 pm -- 14U Boys vs. Mountain Grove Christian Academy
5:00 pm -- 14U Boys vs. SWMO Eagles (Springfield)

I apologize for these changes - I realize they are significant. On the other hand, the boys get to sleep in after a late night!

We do still need volunteers to help, especially during the times when our teams are not playing. I know it is a busy time of year, and many families have other commitments, so if you are able to volunteer, let me know what times work for you and what you'd like to help with (admissions, scoreboard, timer, concessions)


Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

christmas break practices

On the calendar, we have boys practices scheduled for

Friday, Dec 18th
Monday, Dec 21st
Tuesday, Dec 29th

We have 8 - 10 pm on the schedule, but just realized that since we are doing these at Redeemer, we could do the practice before the girls, from 4 - 6 pm. This would be much better for Coach Hall.

Please let us know if you have a strong preference for the later time..


Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Monday, December 7, 2009

boys teams

Dear basketball boys families -

Apparently there is still some confusion about which boys are on what team. I apologize that we have not made this clearer.
I realize that we sometimes use terminology in our emails that may be unfamiliar to you, though we understand perfectly well what it means. So to clarify, here are the boys included in each group. Yes, there is quite a bit of overlap.

18U/Varsity -

Aaron Callahan, Zeke Hall, Jacob Hamacher, Stephen Kofoed, Cody Light, Austin Maxwell, Tyler Parrett, Gabe Quakkelaar, Noel Robertson, Alec Sbabo

14U/Junior High
Dylan Applegate, Aaron Callahan, Christopher Cates, Matthew Collins, Peter Cook, Jonathan Cureton, Zeke Hall, Collin Hohman, Austin Maxwell, Colin McCluskey, Tyler Parrett, Gabe Quakkelaar, Noel Robertson, Alec Sbabo

Hope this helps.
Dawn Hall

Sunday, December 6, 2009

boys basketball update

Notes on the next two weeks –


Monday, Dec 7th


18U (Varsity) Boys game in St. Robert at Maranatha Christian School


Directions to Maranatha:

Take I-44 to exit 161 – Fort Leonard Wood

Exit and go south on Missouri Ave.

The 3rd stop light is at Bosa Drive – turn left

Make an immediate right onto Acorn Drive, follow it for a little ways until you see the church and school at 200 Acorn Drive.


Players should be at the game by 5:30 pm. We will meet at the Kroger parking lot in Rolla at 4:45 pm for those who need rides or want to carpool. Let us know if you need a ride or if you can take riders--please call us on our cell phones -- see note at end; also, please let us know if you are driving separately. Riders, please remember to give drivers $2.50 each way to help cover their expenses.


Thursday, Dec. 10th


Practice at Redeemer Lutheran Church/Family Life Center  4 – 6 pm 

Friday, Dec 11th


A homeschool group from Jonesboro, Arkansas is coming to Rolla to play our teams.


Game times:

6:00 pm -- 14U boys – all 14U boys dress

7:15 pm – girls game

8:30 pm – 18U boys – 10 older boys


Arrive at the Rolla Junior High by 5:45 pm, dressed and ready to play.  Older boys, please arrive by 7:30 pm.


Volunteer schedule:

Admissions: Judy Cureton  5:45 – 6:45 (when Stacy arrives)

                     Stacy Quittschrieber  6:45 – 7:45

Scoreboard: Lee Robertson

Scorebook:  Terry C.? 

Concessions: ? Kathy Collins may be coordinating something in this area.


Saturday, Dec 12th


14 U Boys tournament – look for a separate email with the entire day's schedule. We still need volunteers in many areas that day, so look at the schedule and let me know what times you are available to help.


18U boys have a tentative game scheduled at 12:30 pm vs. the Springfield Knights. They are bringing their varsity boys team to play the Jonesboro team, and would like to play two games to make it worth their drive.


Our guys are scheduled to play:

·           9:45 am vs. Mountain Grove (14U team) at Middle School

·           12:30 pm vs. Springfield Knights (18U team) at Junior High

·           2:45 pm vs. SWMO Eagles (14U team) at Middle School


Monday, Dec 14Practice 7-9 pm at Junior High


Tuesday, Dec 15 – Practice 7-9 pm at Junior High


Friday, Dec  18Practice 8-10 pm at Redeemer


Let your coach know if you have conflicts for any of these dates… and remember that schedules may change due to weather or excessive conflicts, so keep alert!



I have been asked at what point we make decisions about canceling games due to weather. Here are some basic principles:


#1 – we don't cancel games based on forecasts, because we've learned that the weather in Missouri likes to do its own thing J


#2 – we consult with teams driving to play us first. Even if the weather is okay here, their weather may not be, and if it is a long distance, they may not want to make the drive if the weather is uncertain.


#3 – we must defer to the school district, since we are using their facilities.  If school is cancelled in Rolla, their policy is that their facilities are not used for any events. I'm not sure yet how that applies to Saturdays.


#4 – we don't usually cancel until the day of an event, sometimes even midday. Keep your eyes open for emails if the weather is iffy (and remember the weather may be good here, but our opponents may not want to make the drive, or we may not drive to a location where the weather is bad).




Our phone system/internet connection is on the fritz… we have used someone else's connection to get this message sent… So if you need to talk to us in the next day or two, call us on our cell phones.


Dan 573-201-1020

Dawn 573-201-6141

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Friday, December 4, 2009


Unfortunately, Key Sport had some equipment fail today and it backed up all their printing projects. Since our tshirts are not essential, they didn't get done.

I will be able to fill a few of the orders at the game tonight, with shirts I have in stock, but the rest of you will need to wait until next week sometime. Sorry about that!

-Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

tonight's game notes

Since this is our first game, I'm just going to put out a few reminders:

  • Please treat the facility with respect, and ask spectators you invite to do the same. This includes not playing with the lockers in the hallway and throwing trash away.
  • Please stay in the gym area -- children especially should not be wandering around unattended. This is a safety issue as well as a respect issue.
  • Some game nights we will have access to the practice gym -- tonight we will not. Another group has asked permission to use the practice gym for a practice tonight; since we only have one game, we don't really need it, so I gave them permission. Let's do our best not to disrupt them!
Arrive at 6 pm to get warmed up and ready. The game will start at 6:30, maybe a tad earlier if everyone is there and ready to go. Remember that we are charging admission -- $1/person; $5 family cap. There will not be any concessions tonight, except maybe drinks, so eat before you come!

Look forward to seeing you all tonight! Thanks to all who volunteered to help:
  • Chris McCluskey -- admissions, starting at 6 pm
  • Terry Callahan -- scorebook
  • Lee Robertson - scoreboard
Merry Christmas from Isaac!
Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Re: oops - here's the directory

Thanks for all your offers to help -- we are all set, but I'm encouraged that we'll be fine for the rest of the season!

  I will have some corrections on the directory, so I'll make those and send it out again in the next couple of days.


On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 2:06 PM, RHAA Sports <rollaroyals@gmail.com> wrote:

Attached is a directory -- please check your entry especially, and let me know if I've made any errors, Thanks. Sorry it took me so long to get it together.

Friday night game vs. Houston Wellspring Academy.
Rolla Junior High
Arrival time - 6 pm
Game time -- 6:30 pm

Lee Robertson has volunteered to run the scoreboard and is willing to teach anyone else who would like to learn.
We still need someone to 1)keep the scorebook and 2) to
collect admissions, starting at 6 pm...please let me know if you can help in either of these areas.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

oops - here's the directory

Attached is a directory -- please check your entry especially, and let me know if I've made any errors, Thanks. Sorry it took me so long to get it together.

Friday night game vs. Houston Wellspring Academy.
Rolla Junior High
Arrival time - 6 pm
Game time -- 6:30 pm

Lee Robertson has volunteered to run the scoreboard and is willing to teach anyone else who would like to learn.
We still need someone to 1)keep the scorebook and 2) to
collect admissions, starting at 6 pm...please let me know if you can help in either of these areas.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

directory attached/game tomorrow evening

Attached is a directory -- please check your entry especially, and let me know if I've made any errors, Thanks. Sorry it took me so long to get it together.

Friday night game vs. Houston Wellspring Academy.
Rolla Junior High
Arrival time - 6 pm
Game time -- 6:30 pm

Lee Robertson has volunteered to run the scoreboard and is willing to teach anyone else who would like to learn.
We still need someone to 1)keep the scorebook and 2) to
collect admissions, starting at 6 pm...please let me know if you can help in either of these areas.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Practice tomorrow

Reminder --

Practice tomorrow, Monday, November 30th, is at the High School practice gym from 7 - 9 pm. The entrance to the practice gym is to the left of the main glass door entrance to the high school, off the circle drive. Please feel free to call if you need help finding it!
Dan's cell is 201-1020, our home phone is 364-4858.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Monday, November 23, 2009

uniforms that don't fit

If you have a uniform piece that does not work for you, you may bring it to practice tonight. I will be there at 7 pm and can collect those pieces and possibly re-issue some. Most of you will have to wait while we order some new pieces.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

more about uniforms

A final  reminder to have your players try on their uniforms before they come to practice tomorrow night. (And parents, you have the final say as to the fit.) Please email me if you need a different size, but keep what you have until I ask you to bring it to exchange.

Yes, we are trying to use the uniforms we already have, but it is also important that they fit somewhat reasonably, so please don't be shy about telling me a bigger or smaller size would fit better. We are going to have to order a few pairs of shorts, so we might as well be sure everyone has the size they need. It is more costly to get new jerseys (because of the printing of logo and numbers), so we'll probably try to make due with those, but if we need to, we can buy some new ones.

If you did not get a uniform yet: 
I will NOT be at practice tomorrow night, but I will send a box of bags with Mr. Hall. Each bag holds a uniform for players who did not get a uniform Monday. Please take these home and try them on, then email me if you need a different size of anything, since I guessed at sizes and/or gave you what was left. Again, keep them until I ask you to bring them to exchange (if you need a different size).

New Players:
Each of you gets a white Royals t-shirt to use as a warm up shirt as part of your registration.
Please email me the following information:
1) T-shirt size (I suggest you go a size higher than what you usually wear, so it will be loose over your game jersey)
2)  Name to put on the back -- your first or last name -- siblings can choose to have an initial, too (like C. Cates for Christopher, since his sister Emily also plays)

Returning players may buy a new warm-shirt for $10 if they want a new one... please provide the same information requested above.

I've attached a t-shirt order form in case anyone wants to order additional shirts for family members. They come in navy, gold, and white. I am hoping to order some smaller sizes than are listed on the form, so feel free to add sizes you'd like to buy, and we'll see if we can get them. I need t-shirt orders by next Monday at the latest. (you may pay when they arrive)

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Uniforms/parent meeting

Thank you for your patience last night as we distributed uniforms. It is very important that everyone try on the uniform they took home to make sure it fits. We are going to try to use the uniforms we currently have, but we will order some additional sizes if we need to. We are particularly concerned about the shorts fitting properly -- we don't want kids worrying about losing their shorts!

If you were not able to get your uniform last night, it is very important that you pick it up Thursday. I will just be assigning uniforms by my best guess of size, so you will need to let me know if something doesn't work. If for some reason, you are unable to attend practice on Thursday, please contact me to make arrangements to get your uniform.

Thank you to all who came to the parent meeting. We covered a lot in a short period of time, so please feel free to ask if you have any questions. I will include the agenda and calendar in the bag with your players uniform for those who weren't able to attend the meeting, so be sure to ask them for it Thursday.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Thursday, November 12, 2009

parent meeting

We will be having parent meetings Monday, November 16th, in the junior high cafeteria (go past the gym and turn left at the end of the hallway)

Here is the schedule for the entire evening:

6 pm -- girls practice starts
6:30- 7 pm -- boys uniform distribution/measurement/ordering (please arrive by at least 6:45 to get this done)
7:00 -- boys practice starts in practice gym with Mr. Hickle
7:00 -- boys parent meeting
7:30 -- girls parent meeting (girls will be in practice gym while Coach Adams joins the meeting)
8:00 -- girls uniform distribution/measurement/ordering after practice ends...
9:00 -- boys practice ends

It is important that you attend the appropriate team meeting, since we will be covering each group's schedule and dynamics specifically. If you absolutely cannot make the meeting, please let us know so we can be sure you get the appropriate information. We are still finalizing calendar, waiting to hear back from some people, so we won't hand out any calendars until that night. The calendars are online at rollaroyals.com if you want to see where we stand right now.

Please feel free to ask if this is unclear or you have any questions in advance.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Basketball practice tomorrow/parent meeting

Just a reminder that there will no longer be separate 14U (junior high) and 18U (varsity) practices. All the boys will be practicing together. Tomorrow night, Nov 9th, and Thursday night, Nov 12th, this will be from 7-9 pm at Rolla Junior High. Please email coach Hall at dth77@juno.com  if you can't make practice.

Our parent meeting will be NEXT week. If you have a strong preference of Monday or Thursday, please let me know right away, since I need to reserve the Jr. High cafeteria -- we'll do it at 7pm so you can stay when you bring boys for practice. It should take about 1/2 hour.
Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Practice today will be at Redeemer Lutheran Church, from 4 - 6 pm. If you need directions, feel free to call Dan (201-1020 or 364-4858). He'll be leaving home at 3:30 pm.

Starting next week, we will be merging the two boys groups and practicing them together. Practices will remain on Monday and Thursday, but the time and location will now be 7 - 9 pm at the Rolla Junior High school, at least through Thanksgiving week.

We will be handing out a schedule at a parent meeting next week with everything on it, to the best of our knowledge! In the meantime, you can look at the calendars online -- please look at the Varsity boys calendar, since I will be deleting the JH boys calendar once I get it all consolidated (hopefully by tomorrow). Please bear with us while we make these changes

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Monday, November 2, 2009

website calendar

Thanks, Amy Q, for bringing it to our attention that the 14U boys calendar on the website was not visible. I just checked it, and it wasn't shared publicly , so I corrected that, and now you all should be able to view it.

Also want to let you know that the situation with the 18U boys team has changed, and that it MAY have an impact on this team. We are looking at several options, but the one that will most likely work out is to have Dan Hall coach both teams. That would mean he would need to practice all the boys together in the evenings, usually on Monday and Thursday from 7-9 pm (because with that large and diverse of a group, he would need a bigger facility and multiple baskets). It will not affect the game schedule in any way. We understand that is not what you were expecting/planning on, and NO DECISIONS have been made yet. Please let us know if an evening practice time will be difficult for your family, and keep us in prayer as we sort this all out!

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Basketball practice begin tomorrow

Boys 14U basketball practices begin tomorrow at Mark Twain Elementary School from 4 - 5:30 pm. Boys should bring a basketball (if you own one) and the practice jerseys they were issued at open gym (if they didn't get one, they'll get one at practice).

The school is on Salem Avenue in Rolla.  We will practice in the new gym, which is around the back. Please let me know if you need directions to get there.

Players not able to make practice (or games) for any reason, please notify Coach Hall -- his email is CC'd so that you can easily find it. His home phone is 573-364-4858, and his cell phone is 573-201-1020.

Forms and fees are due. The registration form
is especially important for us to have before you start participating in practice. If you need to pay your fee in installments, that is fine - just let us know. I will not be there at the beginning of practice, so please give the paperwork to Coach Hall.

We will be having a parent meeting soon --keep your eyes open for an announcement on that. You may look at the schedule on the website, but it is subject to change -- we are still working on confirming things. But it will give you a general idea of what is coming up.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Sunday, October 25, 2009


In anticipation of the open gym tomorrow night, we have discovered that Zeke's basketball shoes no longer fit him! He has 2 pair (I think we got one pair from his cousin), and they are in almost new condition, having only been worn inside and for one season. If anyone needs good basketball shoes, size 8 men's, let us know and we'll bring them to the open gym tomorrow night for you to try. We'd like to get some $$ for them -- so make us an offer. We'd rather have them put to good use than sitting in a box!

We also are in the market for a new pair for him, so if you have a slightly used pair that you'd like to sell us, let us know! We need a men's 10 or 10.5. Oh, and Abby needs some, too, size 8 women's.

Feel free to share your "shoe needs" with the list -- that's one of the benefits of the RHAA community!

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Saturday, October 24, 2009

registration form

Here is the registration form.I forgot to attach it to the first email.

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Basketball is starting!

RHAA Basketball Open Gyms next week
Monday, October 26 and Thursday October 29th
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Rolla Junior High

Coaches will be present, but these are not practices. There will be a time to practice shooting and perhaps do some informal scrimmages. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Girls will have a separate open gym time from 6 - 7:30pm.

Because we have more than enough 14U players and not enough 18U players, we will be giving some of the older 14U players the opportunity to "play up". To qualify to "play up", you need to meet the following criteria:
       1) you have played with RHAA before
       2) you must be at least 14 years old already
       3) you need to be able to commit to the 18U practice schedule, which is listed below

Please talk about this possibility as a family, and remember that "playing up" may mean less game-time. If you are interested in playing up, please let Coach Bill Hickle know at one of the open gyms. He will be watching players at the open gym to help him determine which players would be helpful to have on his team roster, and he will make the final decision. If you are added to the 18U team, you will not be on the 14U team.

Registration forms and fees are due before the beginning of practices (Monday Nov 2nd). If you are new, you may print out the attached registration form or you may pick one up next week to fill out.
If you do print it out, please re-format it, if necessary, to keep it on one page. Returning players, you are welcome to fill out a new form, or you can pick up your form, already filled out, at one of the open gyms next week -- then all you have to do is check the information, sign it, and pay your fee.  Registration forms and fees can be turned in at an open gym -- please put them in an envelope addressed "Dawn Hall" and give it to me or to a coach, if I'm not there. Or, you can mail it to me at the address on the form. Checks should be made payable to RHAA.

Practices for all boys will begin Monday, Nov 2nd, and continue on Monday and Thursdays through November -- you'll be given a practice/game schedule for December, January and February by the first practice.

14U Boys will practice:
  • Mondays at Mark Twain Elementary School, 4 - 5:30 pm
  • Thursdays at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 4 - 6 pm (we decided not to do a Wed. practice)
18U Boys will practice:
  • Mondays and Thursdays, 7-9 pm (starting in the practice gym)
  • Rolla Junior High
Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Monday, September 7, 2009


Hi everyone!
We're starting to think about basketball, and I realized that I lost almost all my information from last year in April, when my computer died and we had to take it back in time to October!

We have paper copies of almost everything, but I can't find registration forms right now, so please do me a favor and send me an email with birthdates of any players who started with RHAA last year, assuming they are going to play again this year! While you're at it, you can also let me know if you've had any address or phone number changes so I can update my records.

It would also be helpful to know jersey numbers worn by everyone last year, so we have a starting place for uniforms this year....

We hope to get some information out about basketball soon!

Dawn Hall
RHAA secretary

Friday, May 8, 2009


We are finally getting around to putting basketball uniforms away, and we are missing several items. All of the jerseys and shorts that we distributed are the property of RHAA and need to be returned every year, in case we didn't explain that. The only item you keep from year to year is the white t-shirt...

So, if you have any of the following, please let us know right away:

  • New varsity jersey #20 (perhaps one of the boys that played on the varsity occasionally?)
  • Old jerseys # 2, 8, 10, 14, 15, 25, 40, and 45
Thanks for your help in getting this resolved!

Dawn Hall

Monday, March 30, 2009

Thank you

Please accept this very belated and generic thank you...my sense of etiquette tells me I should write individual thank-yous, but a reality check tells me it's better to do it this way than not at all. :)

Our family is so appreciative of the love and gratitude expressed to us at the end of the basketball season. It was amazing the creativity that was exhibited in the expression of thanks,  from kind words, pencils, and hand-made cards to apple butter, tea bags and azalea plants, with many other wonderful gifts in between. Each gift speaks to us in a different way, and we not only appreciate each gift, but even more the givers. We know that sports commitments can put a big strain on families, and we appreciate your willingness to join together with ours and other families to make RHAA possible.

Thanks again!
The Hall Family

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tonight MS&T Game

I know this is terribly last minute, but for any of you who are able to get out of your driveways, and were looking for something to do tonight (since your games were cancelled), the MS&T basketball teams are playing their last home games tonight. The ladies play at 5:30 and the guys after that at 7:30, both games at Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Lost & Found

There were three jackets left at the Junior High Gym last night - please let me know within the next week if any are yours, or I will send them to the Junior High Lost&Found.

1 Green Fleece Jacket, Old Navy-M
1 Black/Blue Hooded Jacket, Athletic Works-boys 8/10
1 Gold w/ Blue stripes Long-Sleeved Shirt, with a "Euro 2008, Austria-Switzerland" patch on the arm, L


Pictures, and End of the Year

Thank you all for being so prompt about pictures yesterday! We were able to get everyone done with plenty of time to spare, and I think the photographer was very pleased. As of now, the plan is that he will get the pictures to us (the Halls) sometime in the next 1.5 to 2 weeks, and then we will be responsible for passing them on to all those of you who ordered them.

Right now, it looks like Friday, March 13th is going to be our end-of-the-year recognition night. We are hoping to get the Junior High facility, and have the use of the gym and cafeteria there. Our tentative schedule will be as follows:

6-6:30 JH Boys vs. Dads/Older Brothers Game
6:30-7:15  Potluck Dinner and Fellowship Time
7:15 - 8  Player and Coaches Recognition
8 - 8:30 Girls vs. Moms/Older Sisters Game
8:30 - 9:30 Varsity Boys vs. Dads

For the potluck, RHAA will provide paper goods and drinks. Please e-mail me as to whether you family is able to come, and a rough estimate of how many people you will have coming.

Remember, uniforms need to be turned in at this date, if you haven't already. Girls and Varsity Boys - please don't wear your uniform for the scrimmage - we will plan to use the gold practice jerseys (for the girls) and the older jerseys that Hickles have (for the guys). JH Boys - please bring your uniform, if you still have it, and we may or may not use them for the games in the evening. If we do use them, our family will just take them home and take care of washing them. Also, we'll hand out the pictures (if we have them in by then).

As always, ask if you have any questions! I hope that everyone can make this date - it's always a great wrap-up to the season, and a wonderful chance to fellowship with other families.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

let us know

Please let us know that you received the schedule change.

game is canceled; picture times changed

I was unable to find an alternative location for today's scrimmage, so we have to cancel the game. I'm so sorry!

Unfortunately, I still need to ask you to come in for pictures, but at a later time--hopefully this will work out just as well or better for all of you. This way, you can get your pictures done and then go to the junior high for our final home games of the season.

Adjusted picture time:
(girls will be doing their team picture about 5:15pm)
  • 5:30 pm -- Team picture
Individual pictures will be taken after the team picture, so those not wanting one can leave

If anyone needs a ride from the photo studio to the the Junior high, let us know, and we will plan on it!

Also, you will be turning your uniforms in tonight, so bring a change of clothes!

tonight change

I just discovered a major oops on my part -- Wyman is not available for use today. I am still scrambling to see if there are any alternatives. Keep checking your email for the final plan.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thursday help?

I just realized that Becky will be busy with pictures, and I will need to leave before the game is over, SO, we really are going to need some help keeping the book and running the scoreboard on Thursday. If anyone can help, please let us know.


Quick reminder on picture schedule for tomorrow. We'd like to have everyone there, even if you don't want to buy pictures. Please let us know if you won't be there for any reason, so we don't wait for you.

Also, if you are planning to buy pictures, please fill out the enclosed form and bring your payment along. Checks made out to Avalon Photography. That makes the process go much faster.

  • 3:00 pm JH boys start arriving for individual pictures
  • 3:30 JH boys team picture
  • 3:50 JH boys need to be done (Mr. Hall can take them all to the gym, so parents can leave them...)

  • 4:45 Girls start arriving for individual pictures
  • 5:15 Girls team picture (all one team)
  • 5:30 Girls need to be done

  • 6:15 pm Varsity boys arrive for Individual pictures
  • 6:30 pm Team picture
    6:45 pm  Boys need to be done and head to gym

Monday, February 23, 2009

RE: Tomorrow's Games

Got it.  How many will be driving at 5:15?  I’m trying to figure out if my van is needed.


Caryl Cates


From: RHAA Sports [mailto:rollaroyals@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 10:17 PM
To: Aaron Callahan; Amy Quakkelaar; Ange Parrett; Dan & Dawn Hall; Danny Hall; Elise Hamacher; Galen Johnson; Gary Applegate; Jacob Hamacher; Jeanine Maxwell; JH Basketball News; Lisa Applegate; Lucy & Lee Robertson Home; Lucy Robertson work; Michele Sbabo; Nathan Hickle; Paul Hamacher; Steve Quakkelaar; Zeke Hall; Abby Hall; Alison Bruno; Ange Hamilton; Becky Hall; Bret Adams; Camie Edwards; Caryl Cates; David and Patricia Riggins; Erin Hamilton; Flora Caudill; Girls Basketball News; Jenny Williams; Kathy & Lee Collins; Kelsey Quittschrieber; Martha Collins; Michael & Joy Rodgers; Pam & Walter Williams; Rebekah Applegate; Renee Caudill; Sarah Hazell; Scott Hamilton; Stacy Quittschreiber; Walt Williams; Bill Hickle; Brandon Beaty; Bret & Stacy Welshymer; Bret Welshymer; Debbie & Rick Brown; Jan Farthing; Kim Beaty; Landon Durick; Mark Hickle; Nathan Brown; Rod Farthing; Ron & Beth Light; Ryan Farthing; Stacy Welshymer; Varsity Boys Basketball News
Subject: Tomorrow's Games


Varsity and JH Boys, and Gold Girls --

Well, inevitably, we have had a schedule change since that supposed "final" e-mail. :)

Because of some facility issues on the Lebanon side of things, our games tomorrow (Monday, Feb. 23rd) are going to be played at Camden Christian School, IN Camdenton (same location as Thursday night - Varsity Guys, it's the same place we usually play Camdenton, check website for directions). We will still be playing against the Lebanon Rockets. Our games will be played at the following times (notice time changes, 30 minutes later) --
6:00 pm - JH Boys
7:00 pm - GOLD Girls
8:15 pm - Varsity Boys

Camdenton is a little further than Lebanon (1:15 rather than 1:00), but the games have been moved back 30 minutes, so here are departure times --
Halls (and any JH Boys families) leaving Rolla from Kroger at 4:15 pm.
need to leave by 5:15
Varsity Guys by 6:30

Please reply to this so that we know you got the message! Also, let us know your driving plans.

Thanks in advance for being flexible, and sorry if this causes any problems for you.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tomorrow's Games

Varsity and JH Boys, and Gold Girls --

Well, inevitably, we have had a schedule change since that supposed "final" e-mail. :)

Because of some facility issues on the Lebanon side of things, our games tomorrow (Monday, Feb. 23rd) are going to be played at Camden Christian School, IN Camdenton (same location as Thursday night - Varsity Guys, it's the same place we usually play Camdenton, check website for directions). We will still be playing against the Lebanon Rockets. Our games will be played at the following times (notice time changes, 30 minutes later) --
6:00 pm - JH Boys
7:00 pm - GOLD Girls
8:15 pm - Varsity Boys

Camdenton is a little further than Lebanon (1:15 rather than 1:00), but the games have been moved back 30 minutes, so here are departure times --
Halls (and any JH Boys families) leaving Rolla from Kroger at 4:15 pm.
need to leave by 5:15
Varsity Guys by 6:30

Please reply to this so that we know you got the message! Also, let us know your driving plans.

Thanks in advance for being flexible, and sorry if this causes any problems for you.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

JH Boys and Girls -- more about tonight's game

Just want to let you know I made some changes to the directions on the website.
  • #1 --The church you are looking for is Bible Baptist Church -- it seems like it used to be the only church along there, but the last few times we've gone, we really have to search for it... the school sign in very little, so hopefully knowing the church name will help.
  • There is more than one way to get to Camdenton, and the directions we posted last night may have confused some of you, because I don't think it is the "usual" route. I decided to try it last year after we had kids get carsick on the usual route, and I found that it was just as fast, probably because you stay on the Interstate longer, and don't have long sections of hilly, windy roads. So that is the way we usually go now. But feel free to go the other "alternate" way if you prefer -- directions to both are now on the website...

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Correction on the former e-mail:
On Monday, Feb. 23rd (Lebanon Game), the Halls will be leaving Rolla at 4:00 pm. Our game is at 5:30 pm.

Sorry about that!

Picture Form attachment

the photo prices. . . forgot to attach them to the last e-mail. :)

basketball update -- hopefully the final one!

Tomorrow (Thursday, Feb 19th) - Game in Camdenton at 7:15 pm, immediately following girls' game
  • Halls will be leaving from Kroger at 4 pm because the girls play at 6 pm-- we would have room for anyone who needs a ride - please let us know immediately if you'd like a ride at this time.
  • Let us know your travel plans, and if we can assist (we suggest leaving Rolla by 5:15 pm)
  • Directions, posted on website     
Friday, Feb. 20th - Home Game vs. Springfield, at 6:00 pm Rolla Junior High Gym
  • We don't officially have the gym until 6 pm, but we are occasionally able to get in earlier than that - so please arrive at or around 5:30 pm  and we will start as soon as possible.
Monday, Feb. 23rd - Away Games vs. Lebanon
  • Halls will be leaving from Kroger at 4:30 pm. Please let us know what your family's travel plans are, and if you will be needing a ride. The game will be played at the Cowan Civic Center, directions are posted on the website (it's the same location the tournament was at).
Thursday, Feb. 26th *NEW*
  • PICTURE DAY! We will be having them taken at Avalon Studio in downtown Rolla. It is located at 110 W. 8th St., right down from Alex's Pizza (the studio was formerly Kent Jewelery). Those of you who are interested in an individual picture, please arrive at 3 pm, dressed in your uniform. If you are not interested in an individual shot, then please arrive at 3:30 pm, in your uniform, for the team photo. Remember, for a team and individual, the price is $12.00. Attached is an order form with pricing on additional prints.
  •  NEW GAME - Directly after we have the team photo taken, and during our regular practice time (Wyman, 4-5:30) we will be playing a game against the Rolla SIR team (we played them earlier in the season, and lost by only one point). This is the last scheduled event of the season.
We will plan to have an end-of-the-year recognition pot-luck/parent vs. kid game (? depending on what the parents are up for. . .) sometime early in March. Right now, the dates we are looking at are:
Sunday afternoon or evening, March 8th
Friday night, March 13th
Sunday afternoon or evening, March 15th

Please let us know if you have any known conflicts for any of these dates! We will keep you posted on what we decide.

Thanks, Becky

Monday, February 16, 2009

practice today is ON

We will have practice today as scheduled at Wyman (4 - 5:30 pm). We have double checked and have received the okay to use the facility, although school is not in session.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


After discussion with the photographer, and weighing a bunch of different issues, including knowing people are gone Saturday, and it is awfully late notice to try to do pictures this weekend, I have decided to schedule pictures at the end of the season, on Thursday, Feb 26th. More info to come on exact timing and location of pictures. We have a blue team girls game and varsity boys game that night, and possibly a junior high scrimmage, so hopefully this won't mean an extra trip for anyone...

Let us know if you know right now that this will not work for you, and we'll see what we can do!


remaining Feb schedule

Hi ,
Below you will find the remaining schedule for Feb. Changes/clarification of previously published schedules are noted with a **. The Google calendar should reflect all of these changes.

The primary change is on Thursday, Feb 19, when we decided to send the Junior High boys team to play Camdenton instead of the Varsity (we may take a JV team)...I decided not to ask to play earlier, since I know it is hard for some of the parents to make early games -- I though maybe it would be easier for you to make this away game played at a later time... although it makes it a later night!

As always, be in contact with Coach Hall about your availability at each game so he can plan accordingly.

   Sat 2/14       2:30 pm       Home Game vs. St. Louis Blue Knights @ RJH
   Mon 2/16     4-5:30         Practice @ Wyman Elementary
**Thur  2/19  7:15 pm      Game @ Camdenton (originally a Varsity Game)
    Fri 2/20         6 pm         Home Game Vs. SWMO Eagles @ RJH
**Mon 2/23    5:30 pm      Game @ Lebanon (rescheduled from weather cancellation)
**Thur 2/26    ?? Possible scrimmage against SIR team to end season

We do not yet have a picture date and time scheduled, since the photographer was out of town this week. I'm trying to schedule it before a game or practice, so it doesn't necessitate an extra trip.

This week basketball schedule

Practice today at Wyman Elementary, 4 - 5:30 pm
Game on Saturday at the junior High, 2:30 pm vs St. Louis Blue Knights

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

game tonight

Tonight's games at Rolla Junior High.

We will start as soon after 6 pm as we can get everything ready. I'm pretty sure the school teams will be practicing until 5:30 pm, so I don't know what time we will actually be able to get into the gym. Please lay low until it appears the building is pretty much cleared out -- they really don't want us to overlap the school teams, which is why we aren't supposed to start using the facility until 6:00 pm

Another email is coming with updates for the rest of the month. We have several schedule adjustments and clarifications to make.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pictures coordinator needed

It appears that we have enough interest to schedule pictures...I'll talk to the photographer about possibilities. I'm going to propose 2 different dates; Thursday Feb 12 for the boys (after Junior High practice and before Varsity practice), and Friday, Feb 13 for the girls, right at the start of practice.

Becky suggested we solicit a volunteer(s) to coordinate this project. We will set the date, but the the volunteer(s) would:
  • distribute order forms to all players ahead of time
  • attend the picture session, collect forms and payment
  • arrange with photographer to pickup photos when ready
  • distribute finished pictures to players
It probably would work best to have one person for the boys and one for the girls, unless a parent of both wants to do it all.

Please let us know if you can help in this way, and we'll pass along all the necessary information.


Team/individual pictures?

Taking a quick survey to find out how many players/families are interested in buying professional team and individual pictures for basketball.
Basic cost is $12 for an 8x10 team photo and a 5x7 individual photo in a nice folder. Additional pictures, including "trading cards" can also be purchased.
We'll only schedule pictures if enough people are interested, but we'd like everyone to be there even if you aren't planning on buying pictures. We will definitely try to find a time to schedule doesn't involve another trip to town!

Please respond to this email by Monday if you are interested.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

today's game

Since we haven't heard back from many of you about your plans for today, we are operating under the assumption that everyone has rides arranged.

Unless we heard from you, we are NOT counting on you getting a ride to/from St. Louis. If you do need a ride, please call Coach Hall this morning, ASAP

Dawn Hall

Friday, January 30, 2009

Rides for Saturday

Hi everyone,
On Saturday, our family is planning to leave from the OAT Theater (across from the high school and First Baptist Church) at 1:15 pm. We will have 7 extra seats - please let us know if you will be wanting/needing a ride at this time. JH Boys who aren't riding with us, you need to leave Rolla no later than 1:15 pm, and plan to arrive at the game by 3:00 pm - game time is 3:30 pm.
Girls' Gold Team - you need to leave Rolla by about 2:30 pm, in order to make it to St. Louis by 4:15 pm - game time is 4:45 pm. If you are interested getting a ride with us at 1:15 pm, please let us know. Priority will go to the JH boys, but we may have some extra seats.
We will probably have a second car going -  I (Becky) will be driving and leaving from OAT Theater at about 3:00 pm. I will have up to 5 extra seats. I'm going to try to make it to St. Louis about 4:45, so I can watch both the Girls' game and the Varsity Boys' game. Anyone who would like a ride at this point is welcome to come with me - let us know.
Varsity Boys - you would need to leave Rolla by 4:00 pm or so, in order to arrive in St. Louis about 5:45 pm, half-an-hour before your game at 6:15 pm.
Here is the link with directions once again. 

Thursday, January 29, 2009

RE: Basketball games Sat. Jan 31

Everyone –

It looks like Emily Cates will need a ride to this game.  Our son Nathan is in the State Honors Choir and will be giving a performance that day at the Lake of the Ozarks.  We have to leave town around noon.  Is there anyone who might be able to take Emily sometime around noon and give her a ride up and back to St. Louis?

Thanks for your consideration,

Caryl Cates


From: RHAA Sports [mailto:rollaroyals@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 01:46 AM
To: Aaron Callahan; Amy Quakkelaar; Ange Parrett; Dan & Dawn Hall; Danny Hall; Elise Hamacher; Galen Johnson; Gary Applegate; Jacob Hamacher; Jeanine Maxwell; JH Basketball News; Lisa Applegate; Lucy & Lee Robertson Home; Lucy Robertson work; Michele Sbabo; Nathan Hickle; Paul Hamacher; Steve Quakkelaar; Zeke Hall; Abby Hall; Alison Bruno; Ange Hamilton; Becky Hall; Bret Adams; Camie Edwards; Caryl Cates; David and Patricia Riggins; Erin Hamilton; Flora Caudill; Girls Basketball News; Jenny Williams; Kathy & Lee Collins; Kelsey Quittschrieber; Martha Collins; Michael & Joy Rodgers; Pam & Walter Williams; Rebekah Applegate; Renee Caudill; Sarah Hazell; Scott Hamilton; Stacy Quittschreiber; Walt Williams; Bill Hickle; Brandon Beaty; Bret & Stacy Welshymer; Bret Welshymer; Debbie & Rick Brown; Jan Farthing; Landon Durick; Mark Hickle; Nathan Brown; Rod Farthing; Ron & Beth Light; Ryan Farthing; Stacy Welshymer; Varsity Boys Basketball News
Subject: Fwd: Basketball games Sat. Jan 31



Just to confirm:
JH boys at 3:30
V girls at 4:45 or so
V boys at 6:15 or so

Imagine Academy of Environmental Science and Math
1008 S Spring Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110



practice today at Redeemer

We will have our practice today at Redeemer, since we cannot practice at Wyman due to school closure. Coach Hall checked, and the parking lot has been plowed. Please let us/him know if you will NOT be coming because of road conditions.

Dawn Hall

schools closed -- no practice

Rolla schools are closed again today, which means we don't have access to practice facilities. We'll be in touch if we are able to arrange something else.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fwd: Basketball games Sat. Jan 31

Just to confirm:
JH boys at 3:30
V girls at 4:45 or so
V boys at 6:15 or so

Imagine Academy of Environmental Science and Math
1008 S Spring Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110


Basketball games Sat. Jan 31

I just received this email of confirmation from the St. Louis Knights and Patriettes. Note the location is different than where we have played in the past. I just googled it from  the Kroger parking lot in Rolla, and it shows a driving time of 1 hr 40 minutes.

As long as the schools are in session tomorrow, Junior High boys will practice tomorrow from 4 - 5:30 pm at Wyman; Varsity boys from 7-9 pm at the High School. Girls practice Friday night from 7 - 9 at the Middle School.


Just to confirm:
JH boys at 3:30
V girls at 4:45 or so
V boys at 6:15 or so

Imagine Academy of Environmental Science and Math
1008 S Spring Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110


See you Saturday
Rich Grant

Monday, January 26, 2009

Practice is on

I see no reason at this point not to do practice. So far no precipitation at our house in Rolla, 2 miles south of town. Hope to see most of you there!
Coach Hall

tonight's game cancelled

Hi everyone -

The decision on this one just got taken out of my hands -- I just received a phone call from Calvin Morrow in Lebanon, and he felt the wisest course of action at this point was to cancel tonight's games. Even though the precipitation has not started yet, they are 100% certain it is going to by 3 or 4, and they are expecting heavy ice in Lebanon. His concern is that even if we got there, by the time we finished our games, we may not be able to get home safely.

So, it looks like we don't play Lebanon, again! Enjoy the evening off.

Junior High Boys -- since we don't have a game, Coach Hall would like to have your regular practice at Wyman from 4 - 5:30 pm. We will send an email out at 3:30pm confirming that (in case we find out the school is closed, or the weather is really bad at that point). Those of you coming from St. James or out in the country, please feel free to call us at home 573-364-4858 to double-check that we are on.

Everyone take care!
Dawn Hall

Sunday, January 25, 2009

tomorrow's weather forecast and game

We are aware of the weather forecast for tomorrow, and will make a decision as early as we can about whether or not to travel to Lebanon.  As of now, the forecast says that Lebanon will to start getting sleet/snow early in the morning; however, we will probably wait until afternoon to make a final decision, to see how bad it is and in the event the system passes more quickly than they are predicting.  The Junior High boys are scheduled to leave Rolla at 4 pm, so we will make a final decision by 3 pm at the latest.

Please feel free to give us any input, especially about road conditions that you encounter during the day. The trip to Lebanon is primarily on the interstate, but we also understand that of you have to contend with other roads to get to the interstate, so we want to take that into consideration as well.

Also, let us know if you are going to be unable to check your email tomorrow afternoon, so that we can be sure to call you if we cancel.

Dawn Hall

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Monday Games

Information for our Monday game against Lebanon:
We are leaving from the Kroger parking lot at 4 pm. Our van has only 4 available seats, so other families will definitely need to drive. As usual, please let us know ASAP if you will be 1. needing a ride, 2. driving and have  x  number of seats, or 3. driving on your own aside from the car-pooling.
The game is at 5:30 pm, and is at the Cowan Civic Center in Lebanon. Directions on the website.

Friday, January 23, 2009

please reply

Please let me know if you got the messages about tonight, so I can make calls to those who didn't!


oh yeah, bring your uniforms tonight and to practice in general -- it is helpful to have them for scrimmaging!

game tonight cancelled/ practice instead

We just got a call from Mountain Grove -- a bout of sickness has hit their school and they are down to 5 players, with one of those not feeling well. They felt it best NOT to make the drive, especially if they ended up sharing with us!
However, since we have the gym reserved and plans to come, we will still be meeting for practice and a scrimmage. Plan to arrive at 6 pm, and we'll be done at 7:30pm so the varsity guys can scrimmage, too.
Feel free to call if you have any questions!
Dawn Hall

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 31st game schedule time changes

We have a confirmed game schedule for next Saturday, January 31st. They could not find a facility for the middle of the day, so the games will be later in the day than previously scheduled (remember, when I gave those times, I cautioned that they were not confirmed). I know this is actually better for those involved with Pirates of Penzance, because it should eliminate conflicts with rehearsals.. So here is the final schedule:

3:30 pm Junior High Boys vs. St. Louis Blue Knights
4:45 pm Girls Gold team vs, Patriettes Varsity B
6:00 pm Varsity Boys vs. St. Louis Blue Knights

The games will be held at a different facility than we have played at previously. They will be sending me a link with directions, and I will pass that on to you when I have it.

Dawn Hall

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday Game location change

Friday night's game will be at Wyman Elementary, not at the Junior High.

Game time, 6:30 pm, plan to arrive at 6:00 pm