Thursday, February 26, 2009

game is canceled; picture times changed

I was unable to find an alternative location for today's scrimmage, so we have to cancel the game. I'm so sorry!

Unfortunately, I still need to ask you to come in for pictures, but at a later time--hopefully this will work out just as well or better for all of you. This way, you can get your pictures done and then go to the junior high for our final home games of the season.

Adjusted picture time:
(girls will be doing their team picture about 5:15pm)
  • 5:30 pm -- Team picture
Individual pictures will be taken after the team picture, so those not wanting one can leave

If anyone needs a ride from the photo studio to the the Junior high, let us know, and we will plan on it!

Also, you will be turning your uniforms in tonight, so bring a change of clothes!

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